A multi-disciplinary review of key evidence-based principles and clinical treatment steps for restoring edentulous jaws.
A multi-disciplinary review of key evidence-based principles and clinical treatment steps for replacing the single tooth.
Designed by leading clinicians, the FOR Safety Checklists help reduce human errors and their consequences.
The checklists on peri-implant tissue health support you in the anamnesis and diagnostic assessment of peri-implant tissue condition and in the treatment options and decisions for affected peri-implant tissue. They also allow concise monitoring of tissue conditions over time.
在探讨IIPP的外科部分之后,我们将与Oscar Gonzalez-Martin博士、主持人Joe Kan和专家组一起,将目光转向IIPP的临时即刻修复。学习如何处理临时修复体的穿龈形态,无论是种植体即刻植入后或组织愈合稳定后。
即刻种植、即刻临时修复一直是有争议的话题,有关这一主题的系列视频共有5部分内容,涵盖适应证、禁忌证、评估和诊断,本视频为系列视频的第一讲。主持人Joe Kan、Jose Navarro和专家小组分享了许多临床见解。
在本系列网络研讨会第一部分,Prof. Dr. Tomas Albrektsson通过口腔种植体表面的演变,与大家分享回顾了主流种植体表面的临床科研数据