Paulo Malo: Immediate Function: benefits to patient and practice
Video highlights
- All-on-4
- Zygomatic implants
- Loading protocols
- Interdisciplinary teamwork
- Short implants
The presentation gives an insight on the restoration of edentulous situations from both surgical and restorative aspects, with focus on the immediate function protocol and the All-on-4 solution. Dr Malo reviews the indications and contraindications, advantages and benefits as well as challenges of immediate function protocols for both patient and practice. The lecture covers aspects like shortened treatment and chair time, primary stability and prosthetic options, and discusses the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork beteen surgeon, restorative clinical and lab technician. CAD/CAM restoration technology to ensure passive fit is a must, cast restoration cannot provide. The lecture presents All-on-4 clinical treatment cases incl hybrid solutions with zygomatic and short implants and extensive study data on clinical evidence and succes rates of All-on-4 solutions over a 10 year period.
Clinical topics
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