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Webinar Schoenbaum Dec 2024


Live Webinar: Prosthetic Implant Complications: Causes, Prevention and Management

In this live webinar, Dr. Todd Schoenbaum reviews most common implant prosthetic complications, what is causing them and how to handle them when occuring.

Fabbri teaser 2023

Scientific posters

Healthy soft tissue response, marginal bone gain, and great esthetics in the 'one-abutment one-time' treatment

Stable adherence of soft tissue onto the abutment and restoration surfaces is a key determinant of long-term success of implant treatment. It can be influenced by abutment surface modifications and abutment dis- and re-connection during the prosthetic phase.

Agliardi KEM 2023


The Use of Tilted Implants

In his lecture, Prof. Enrico Agliardi will present us the use of tilted implants in different situations and with different atrophies in the maxilla and mandible.

M Danesh-Meyer 2024 pt


The Prevention and Management of Peri-implantitis pt.1

In the first part of his 2-part lecture, Dr. Michael Danesh-Meyer reviews the factors influencing peri-implantitis and critical elements for the diagnosis.

G Liddelow KEM 2023


Implant and Abutment Surfaces

In this lecture, Dr. Glen Liddelow reviews the evolution of implant and abutment surfaces on osseointegration and shows the latest developments.


Solving Common Problems with Science: Implant Abutment Screw Loosening

The most common issue in regards to single tooth implant restorations is screw loosening. Dr. Chandur Wadhwani explains the reason for this issue and provides practical tips and habits how to prevent this problem.

Goals of Implant Treatment


Digital Innovation to Achieve Better Results

How can digital innovations like software and tools be used to achieve optimal results? Dr. Renauld Noharet looks at the full workflow, demonstrates the treatment steps and how innovative tools can be employed achieve prosthetic, biological, and aesthetically driven treatment.

EAO 2022 Mesquida


Abutment Macro and Micro-design for the Improvement of the Soft Tissue Interface

During part two of this series on Biologically driven innovations for immediate and long-term success, Dr. Juan Mesquida discusses innovations that play a role in the health of soft tissue and bone retention surrounding implants.

Extra-oral situation Fabbri N1
Giacomo Fabbri

Patient cases

Complex treatment of the anterior zone combining implant and orthodontic therapy

In this patient case, Dr Fabbri shows the complex treatment of the esthetic zone with a combined treatment of implant therapy, using the guided pilot drill approach, and orthodontic treatment. 

E Agliardi Pt 2


Treating complex cases with tilted implants

In the second part of the webinar series, Prof. Enrico Agliardi presents cases of high complexity and explains how he treats theses cases with tilted implants.

Agliardi tilted implants pt 1


Tilted Implants: the concept and the standard case

In the first part of the webinar series, Prof. Enrico Agliardi presents treatment options for different edentulous indications, focusing on the All-on-4 concept and the V-II-V concept.



Safety and effectiveness of the N1 concept system: real-world data with 1-year follow-up

Dr Tristan Staas presents the original study abstract at the European Association of Osseointegration Digital Days 2021 in the area of Clinical Innovations. The study shows that the novel N1 concept system offers an easy-to-use implant placement protocol.

Markus Blatz Zirconia Bridge


The Zirconia Implant Bridge

In his virtual lecture, Dr Markus Blatz reviews the history of Zirconia and how this has changed. He addresses the importance of understanding the different types of Zirconia in order to know how to handle the material for optimal esthetic outcome and longterm success.

Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5


Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5

Prof Paulo Maló, Dr Rubén Davó and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed maxilla. Learn about the importance of the patient's quality of life through oral rehabilitation of a severely resorbed maxilla.

Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3


Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3

Paulo Malo, Enrico Agliardi and the expert panel discuss a patient with failing esthetics, failing teeth, and a failing prosthesis. Follow his comprehensive assessment and the surgical and prosthetic protocol to restore dignity, esthetics, and function.