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Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla with zygomatic implants - Immediate Function Episode 5

Video highlights

  • Impact of edentulism on the quality of life
  • How to manage complications such as failed implants and a failed ileac bone graft
  • Treatment options for the severely atrophic maxilla
  • Quad zygoma technique with immediate loading
  • Handling of compromised sinus

Clinical topics

Enjoy more episodes from this series:

A patient with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density – Immediate Function Episode 1


A patient with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density – Immediate Function Episode 1

Prof. Paulo Malo leads a global panel of experts on Immediate Function and long-term Benefits for Edentulous Patients. Dr. Ana Ferro takes both the science and the needs of a young patient into consideration in a challenging case with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density.

An Immediate Fixed Solution for an Edentulous Mandible - Immediate Function Episode 2


An Immediate Fixed Solution for an Edentulous Mandible - Immediate Function Episode 2

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Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3


Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3

Paulo Malo, Enrico Agliardi and the expert panel discuss a patient with failing esthetics, failing teeth, and a failing prosthesis. Follow his comprehensive assessment and the surgical and prosthetic protocol to restore dignity, esthetics, and function. 

The severely atrophic mandible - Immediate Function episode 4


The severely atrophic mandible - Immediate Function episode 4

Prof Paulo Malo, Dr. Andrew Dawood and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed mandible with <5mm of bone. Learn approaches that aid patient safety and help avoid injury to the inferior alveolar nerve.


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