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Roberto Sleiter

Patient cases

Immediate implant and immediate loading in the esthetic zone

Dr. Roberto Sleiter shares a case of a patient needing to restore her upper central incisor due to a fracture. See in detail how he approached the case and how he met the high demands of the patient.

Liliana Silva

Patient cases

Vertical ridge augmentation in posterior mandible

This clinical report describes and demonstrates the successful use of autogenous particulate bone, anorganic bone mineral and barrier membranes to reconstruct severe alveolar bone defect.


Marko Magic

Patient cases

Failing Maxillary Incisor

Immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone can provide favorable results in terms of function and esthetics.

Javier Bobes Bascaran

Patient cases

Aesthetic complication on a single lateral incisor implant

Aesthetic complication of an orthodontic and restorative treatment with a poorly positioned implant was solved with connective tissue graft, temporary implant crown with angulation correction screw and permanent restoration with custom zirconia abutment and ceramic crown.

Initial situation of the case
Richard Ansong

Patient cases

Class III malocclusion

Dr. Richard Ansong presents a patient case of a 62-year-old patient. The aim of this interdiscilplinary approach is the use of dental implants as orthodontic anchorage, to correct a class III malocclusion. 

Extra-oral situation Fabbri N1
Giacomo Fabbri

Patient cases

Complex treatment of the anterior zone combining implant and orthodontic therapy

In this patient case, Dr Fabbri shows the complex treatment of the esthetic zone with a combined treatment of implant therapy, using the guided pilot drill approach, and orthodontic treatment. 

Francesco Cirillo

Patient cases

Multiple gingival recessions treated using the tunnel technique with a collagen matrix

Numerous techniques have been described for root coverage such as CAF (coronally advanced flap), pedunculated flaps, free gingival grafts and the tunnel technique, using either the simple flap or xenografts, allografts or autologous connective grafts, depending on the clinical case

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Luca De Stavola

Patient cases

Treatment of a fractured root using dynamic navigated surgery by Dr. Luca De Stavola

An 80-year-old female patient presents a fractured root on a distal fixed bridge element in the posterior maxilla. The case is solved with immediate flapless implant placement using dynamic navigated surgery of mesially tilted implants and immediate provisionalization.