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Dubai video pt 2


Grafting or Graftless - a treatment option for multiple missing teeth

In the second part of the 3-part series, Dr. Jay Malmquist shares a case of multiple missing anterior teeth and a large bone defect.

Marko Magic

Patient cases

Failing Maxillary Incisor

Immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone can provide favorable results in terms of function and esthetics.

Malmquist live surgery pt 2


Live Surgery - Removal of Mesh and Placement of Implants

In this second live surgery, Dr. Jay Malmquist demontrates how he removes the mesh used for ridge regeneration, places implants in the anterior region and closes the wound again for submerged healing.

5 years clinical study narrow implants

Scientific posters

Clinical study: immediate loading of narrow implants over 5 years

Narrow diameter tapered implants are frequently used to replace missing incisors because they fit between adjacent natural tooth roots and are well-suited for an optimized emergence profile. This clinical study published at EAO 2021 evaluates immediate loading of 3.0 mm narrow...

EAO 2021 Winitsky


3-D tooth movement adjacent to single anterior implants and aesthetic outcome. A 14-20 year follow-up

Dr. Nicole Winitsky presents her prize-winning oral communication presentation of a long-term study of 3-D tooth movement adjacent to implants in the anterior maxilla. This original research explores the long-term esthetic outcomes of single implants.

Mind the gap by Jose Navarro


Immediate implants Episode 3: How to manage the gap

Dr. Jose Navarro returns to discuss how to manage the gap that occurs between the palatally placed immediate implant and the buccal wall, continuing this series exploring immediate implant placement with moderator Dr. Joseph Kan and the expert panel.