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Use of implant anchorage to correct an anterior cross bite in a patient with a class III malocclusion. A Case Report

Richard Ansong


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08.01.2023 | 13:59

Was the patient deprogrammed first to access whether his maxilla-mand relationship was anteriorly displaced. How did you

If the vd was opened how much retrusion of the mandible could be attained.  Lastly how did you monitor or evaluate sir volume changes as related to retraction of lowers and bicuspids.  Thank you

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If the vd was opened how much retrusion of the mandible could be attained.  Lastly how did you monitor or evaluate sir volume changes as related to retraction of lowers and bicuspids.  Thank you

In my experience, patients with Class III skeletal pattern do not posture anteriorly.  If there is a pre-treatment discrepancy between CR and MIP, it's typically an anterior first point of contact that causes the patient to slide into a reverse overjet relationship anteriorly.  This is also the primary reason for wear and chipping of the anterior teeth for a Class III patient.  

Class II patients, on the other hand, are the patients that more often will require deprogramming (in this case referring to pre-treatment orthosis, not an NTI, lucia jig, or leaf guage).  I am a board certified prosthodontist, I also do not deprogram every patient, but I rely on the initial clinical exam, and in particular my ability to capture a centric record using bimanual manipulation (Dawson method).  If there is any muscular incoordination or posturing detected, I will certainly include some type of orthosis or orthotic concept in their pre-treatment work-up.  Orthosis I also find is the best way to test an increased OVD for a dentate or mostly dentate patient.

Beautiful case, Rich.



Hi to everyone.

i have a similar case with III skeletal class maloccusion. There was a discrepancy between CO and CR approx 2 mm (in CR it was edge-to-edge contact). After fixing pads on molars and premolars in CR, i've changed torques frontal teeth, counterclockwise rotation of occlusion plane.

After implants placement, in the final stage of prosthesis, i've created pure left anf right canine guidance. Hope you'll enjoy


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