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Michael Dolan, Actor and Educator

"The secret of landscapes isn't's maintenance"

Online course

Long term maintenance

Key points

  • The long term recall regimen for maintenance is tailored to the patient's risk for peri-implant pathology
  • The risk assessment tool to individualize patient follow-up

Additional resources

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Immediate loading in the edentulous mandible for CAD/CAM prostheses

A 72-year-old female patient was affected by the poor fit of her existing mandibular complete denture, especially the constant movement while chewing. The final treatment included a new maxillary complete denture and a mandibular implant fixed complete denture. 

Enrico Agliardi
Matteo Clericó

Patient cases

Maxillary rehabilitation with the All-on-4® treatment concept and rehabilitation of the mandible using the existing implants

A 48-year-old female patient desired a better, more aesthetic appearance and an improvement of her masticatory performance. An All-on-4® treatment concept for the maxilla and a newly fixed prosthesis loaded onto the existing implants was planned.

Enrico Agliardi
Matteo Clericó

Patient cases

Bimaxillary full arch rehabilitation on four implants

A 64-year-old male patient complained about the poor masticatory performance of his partial removable dentures. An All-on-4® treatment concept was chosen as a restorative solution in the upper and lower jaw.

James Chow

Patient cases

Fixed implant-supported rehabilitation of edentulous patient

A 75-year-old female patient with multiple medical conditions asking for dental implants to improve her masticatory function. As such, the All-on-4® treatment concept protocol for the mandible and later on a flapless implant surgery for the maxilla have been employed.

Steve Parel

Patient cases

Complete mouth rehabilitation of patient with terminal dentition

This patient presented with multiple decayed teeth and both periodontal and occlusal breakdown. She had a past history of drug abuse. Since the existing teeth could not be restored because of the extensive damage, the All-on-4® treatment concept was used in both arches.

Jevgenij Travkin

Patient cases

Complete arch treatment using four implants

A 58-year-old male patient presented loss of multiple teeth, need for replacement of his conventional, partial removable dentures with a fixed restoration by Dr. Jevgenij Travkin. The All-on-4® treatment concept with immediate implant placement was chosen.

Steven Moss

Patient cases

Fixed rehabilitation of an edentulous maxilla

A 62-year-old male presented with tooth #16 FDI (#3 US). Despite the lack of bone volume posteriorly, he had sufficient volume anteriorly and an abundant amount of keratinized tissue making him a good candidate for an All-on-4® treatment concept with a hybrid restoration.

Edmond Bedrossian

Patient cases

Rehabilitation of an ectodermal dysplasia patient

A 22-year-old male patient presents with ectodermal dysplasia with resultant lack of permanent maxillary and mandibular teeth. He has only 4 malformed maxillary teeth and mandibular cuspids.


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