Rubén Davó: Management of the extremely resorbed maxilla
Video highlights
- Comprehensive review of the Zygomatic implant treatment concept
- Comparison of Zygomatic implant treatment with sinus lift procedures
- Zygomatic implants with immediate function protocol offers immediate improvment of quality of life for the patient only a few hours after surgery
- New York 2013 symposium presentation
The lecture reviews the principles of the rehabilitation of the extremely resorbed maxilla and compares Zygomatic implants with sinus lift and augmentation procedures, and highlights the importance of the Zygomatic concept for implantology. Under extreme clinical circumstances like Cawood classes 5 and 6, the Zygomatic implant option offers treatment simplicity in terms of e.g. a graftless, minimal invasive surgery and immediate function approach, as well as reduced patient/donor site morbidity and hospitalization cost. Dr Davó discusses aspects of anchorage, quad Zygoma, surgery protocols, fixed prosthetic restoration and potential complications, and presents 9 year clinical follow up study results showing high survival rates of Zygomatic implants comparable to regular length implants. Dr Davó summarizes and concludes that the Zygomatic implant treatment shows a low rate of complications and offers immediate improvement of quality of life only a few hours after surgery, opposite to augmentation procedures with treatment periods of up to over a year.
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