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Francesco Cirillo


Dr. Francesco Cirillo received his dental degree from the faculty Università degli studi di Roma "la Sapienza" in 1993 and then specialized in Oral Surgery at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
He pursued his post graduated studies in the United States and received from the New York University the certificate in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation. Afterwards he fulfilled a biennal master in Parodontal Therapy at the Dental School Università di Torino.
Dr. Cirillo runs his private practice in Velletri (Italy) and lectures at national and international congresses and courses about periodontal plastic surgery and oral implantology.

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Francesco Cirillo

Patient cases

Multiple gingival recessions treated using the tunnel technique with a collagen matrix

Numerous techniques have been described for root coverage such as CAF (coronally advanced flap), pedunculated flaps, free gingival grafts and the tunnel technique, using either the simple flap or xenografts, allografts or autologous connective grafts, depending on the clinical case

Francesco Cirillo

Patient cases

Treatment of multiple gingival recessions

A patient with multiple maxilla recessions, all attributable to an incongruous brushing complaining of an aesthetic deficit and radicular sensitivity. Composite reconstructions were performed in surgical procedures prior to surgery and collagen membrane.

Gingival recession coverage with a xenogenic collagen matrix
Francesco Cirillo

Patient cases

Gingival recession coverage with a xenogenic collagen matrix

 A 37-year-old patient, non-smoker and with absence of relevant systemic pathologies presented to the dental office with an esthetic gingival deficit and dentinal sensibility of the elements #16, #22, #24, #25 and #26 FDI (#3, #10, #12, #13, #14 and #15 US).