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Glen Liddelow


Dr. Glen Liddelow completed a Bachelor of Dental Science and a Master of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia and a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry (Prosthodontics) from the University of Sydney. He is a Member and Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy and a Fellow of the International College of Dentists. Dr. Liddelow is a prosthodontist primarily concerned with both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant dentistry and is the Director for The Branemark Center Perth. He is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia, a consultant prosthodontist at Princess Margaret Hospital and an examiner for the Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists. He is a current faculty member of gIDE (Global Institute for Dental Education, Loma Linda University, California) and a reviewer for the Australian Dental Journal. His research and publications include immediate loading, surface technology, implant aesthetics and treatment of advanced bone resorption.

Resources from this author


Scientific posters

Real-world study with 1000 patients treated with gradually anodized surface implants: Initial results

This study aims to evaluate the clinical performance of TiUltra in a large-scale prospective real-world data (RWD) collection from routine clinical practice and a diverse population of consecutive patients with varying comorbidities and demographics, not subject to the strict...

G Liddelow KEM 2023


Implant and Abutment Surfaces

In this lecture, Dr. Glen Liddelow reviews the evolution of implant and abutment surfaces on osseointegration and shows the latest developments.

An Immediate Fixed Solution for an Edentulous Mandible - Immediate Function Episode 2


An Immediate Fixed Solution for an Edentulous Mandible - Immediate Function Episode 2

Continuing this series on Immediate Function and long-term Benefits for Edentulous Patients, Prof. Paulo Malo leads a global panel of experts to discuss Dr. Glen Liddelow's solution to treat a patient with an edentulous mandible with a definitive bridge on the day of surgery.