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Luca De Stavola


Luca De Stavola graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics from the University of Padua in 2001. He specialized in Oral Surgery at the Schloss Schellenstein Clinic in Olsberg, Germany in 2007 under the guidance of Prof. F. Khoury. That same year he received his Master of Oral Medicine in implantology from Westfalischen Wilhelms University of Munster, Germany. He has been a lecturer for the Master’s program in Osseointegrated Implantology at the University of Padua since 2008.

Dr De Stavola lectures internationally on implantology and regenerative bone surgery and is renowned speaker for his interdisciplinary approach between periodontology and restorative surgery. He is the author and co-author of numerous peer reviewed research papers and scientific articles. His latest publications and courses focus on computer-guided bone surgery and optimal soft tissue management. He is an active member of the Italian Association of Osseointegrated Implantology (IAO) and the European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO). He has private practices in in Padua and Treviso and is co-founder of the ANTONIANUM INSTITUTE Continuing Education & Research, Padova.

Resources from this author

Implants After GBR with Wound Dehiscence

Scientific posters

Clinical outcomes after GBR with dehiscence

Dehiscence may occur during the post-GBR healing process, and it may lead to patient discomfort and dissatisfaction. This clinical study aims to assess the influence of wound dehiscence during post-GBR healing period on clinical outcome measures. 

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Luca De Stavola

Patient cases

Treatment of a fractured root using dynamic navigated surgery by Dr. Luca De Stavola

An 80-year-old female patient presents a fractured root on a distal fixed bridge element in the posterior maxilla. The case is solved with immediate flapless implant placement using dynamic navigated surgery of mesially tilted implants and immediate provisionalization.

Guided or navigated surgery? Today’s digital technology


Guided or navigated surgery? Today’s digital technology

Mastering digital technology enables clinicians to convey all the digital information to create the virtual patient, diagnose and plan prosthetics and implant surgery. Learn how to approach each indication with guided and navigated surgical approaches in a fully digital workflow.