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Regina Mericske-Stern


Professor Regina Mericske-Stern received her dental and PhD degrees at the University of Bern. Dr. Mericska-Stern is the Chair of the Department of Prosthodontics, and the Director of the Master Program in Prosthodontics and Implant dentistry. She is an outstanding teacher as evidenced by her student selecting her as teacher of the year. She lectures worldwide, and is an honorary member of the Japanese Association of Implantology, Past-President of the international College of Prosthodontists and European Prosthodontic Association, and currently the President of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry. Her activities, both in clinical practice and clinical research, cover the field of Implant Prosthodontics and Geriatric Dentistry.

Resources from this author

ePaper: Implant Supported / Implant Retained Removable Partial Dentures (IRPDs)

eBooks and ePapers

ePaper: Implant Supported / Implant Retained Removable Partial Dentures (IRPDs)

The placement of implants beneath extension base removable partial dentures (RPD) provides substantial support and / or retention that enhances patient comfort and function. This ePaper presents how implants can be beneficially used in conjunction with removable partial dentures.



Consensus Conference on the Optimum Number of Implants

Discover the findings of the consensus conference on “ on the Optimum Number of Implants".



Regina Mericske-Stern: Failing teeth and implants - great variety of treatment options

The lecture discusses the different reasons, why patients loose teeth and the various options for treatment with implant supported restorations. The aspects which need to be considered comprise the reason of tooth loss such as caries, perio disease or apical lesions, and prosthetic...

Regina Mericske-Stern

Patient cases

Treatment of a failing maxillary dentition with an implant-supported restoration

A 50-year-old female patient with a strong fear of the dentist. A full-mouth rehabilitation of the maxilla with implants using a surgical guide was performed.

Regina Mericske-Stern

Patient cases

Treatment of a maxillary failing dentition including digital treatment planning

A 58-year-old male patient case shows the rehabilitation of failing dentition in the maxilla, including digital treatment planning. The mandible was also included in the treatment process to receive a satisfying functional and esthetic result.