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Charles Goodacre


Dr. Goodacre received his DDS degree from Loma Linda University and an MSD degree in Prosthodontics and Dental Materials from Indiana University. He served as Chair of Prosthodontics at Indiana University and Dean of the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. He is a Diplomate and Past-President of the American Board of Prosthodontics, Past-President of the American College of Prosthodontists, and Past President of the Academy of Prosthodontics.

Dr. Goodacre has over 220 published articles, abstracts, textbooks, and textbook chapters. In addition, he has developed or helped develop 17 online CE courses, 11 electronic education programs, and 3 eBooks. He currently holds the title of Distinguished Professor at Loma Linda University and maintains a private practice devoted to prosthodontics and implant dentistry.

Resources from this author

n1 drill

Scientific articles

Heat and Sound Generation During Implant Osteotomy When Using Different Types of Drills

The study investigates the heat and sound generated during implant osteotomy using different types of drills in both artificial and bovine bone blocks. Osteotomy, the process of drilling a hole in the bone to place a dental implant, can produce heat and sound that might impact both...


Theory of Single Tooth Implants Online Course

EBook: Implant Fixed Complete Dentures

eBooks and ePapers

EBook: Implant Fixed Complete Dentures

Now fully released, this ebook provides chapter by chapter journey through the multiple aspects of the required planning and treatment of patients who need a fixed complete denture and associated crowns to fully restore their oral well-being. 



Online Course All-on-4® treatment concept

Online course

Online Course All-on-4® treatment concept

Ever thought about adding All-on-4®  to your practice? In this online course you will learn everything you need about the All-on-4® treatment concept. Start now with this perfect preparation for any hands-on course.

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration

eBooks and ePapers

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration

A valuable reference for everyone involved in implant placement or implant restoration. 18 chapters from diagnosis to oral hygiene maintenance, 950+ photographs, over 40 videos, end of chapter self-assessment quizzes and 1,000+ scientific and literature references.

eBook: Implant overdentures: From Diagnosis to Maintenance

eBooks and ePapers

eBook: Implant overdentures: From Diagnosis to Maintenance

A valuable reference for everyone involved in implant placement for the edentulous patient. Implant Overdentures contains14 chapters covering the entire treatment journey from diagnosis to oral hygiene maintenance with 1,200+ photographs, over 50 videos,  self-assessment quizzes.

eBook: The Temporomandibular Joint

eBooks and ePapers

eBook: The Temporomandibular Joint

This eBook is a comprehensive, evidence-based review of the bony anatomy, normal and abnormal periarticular soft tissue anatomy including extensive details about the articular disc, and muscles associated with the temporomandibular joint. Over 650 images 325 Scientific references.



Consensus Conference on Prosthetic Protocols in Implant-based Oral Rehabilitations

Discover the findings on the consensus conference on Prosthetic Protocols in Implant-based Oral Rehabilitations

ePaper: Implant Supported / Implant Retained Removable Partial Dentures (IRPDs)

eBooks and ePapers

ePaper: Implant Supported / Implant Retained Removable Partial Dentures (IRPDs)

The placement of implants beneath extension base removable partial dentures (RPD) provides substantial support and / or retention that enhances patient comfort and function. This ePaper presents how implants can be beneficially used in conjunction with removable partial dentures.



Charles Goodacre: The impact of cervical contour, marginal fit, and surface smoothness on peri-implant mucosa

Correcting adverse soft tissue responses around crowns requires specific cervical contours coupled with surface smoothness and marginal fit.  This presentation will show how these morphologic principles have been used to correct adverse gingival reactions with crowns on natural tee...

Consensus on single tooth_cover image.jpg


Consensus Conference on Missing Single Teeth

Discover the findings of the consensus conference on “ Missing Single Teeth”.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Immediate loading in the edentulous mandible for CAD/CAM prostheses

A 72-year-old female patient was affected by the poor fit of her existing mandibular complete denture, especially the constant movement while chewing. The final treatment included a new maxillary complete denture and a mandibular implant fixed complete denture. 

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Single all-ceramic crown to replace discoloured right central incisor crown

A 56-year-old female patient was bothered by the darker shade of her right central incisor crown in comparison to the adjacent teeth. To fulfill the patient's need, a single-hand veneered zirconia crown was chosen as a treatment.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Implant- and tooth-supported central incisor crowns

A 22-year-old football player suffered from a traumatic injury which led to an avulsion of his maxillary left central incisor. The treatment selected was the placement of a single crown on tooth #11 FDI (#8 US) and a single implant to replace tooth #21 FDI (#9 US). 

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Maxillary and mandibular implant- and tooth-supported restorations

A 60-year-old male patient's chief complaint was that his bridges were loose. The treatment option was a 3-unit implant fixed partial denture and 3 single crowns on tooth abutments in the maxilla, and a conventional 6-unit fixed partial denture in the anterior mandible was chosen.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Maxillary central incisor all-ceramic crown

A 23-year-old female patient presented herself with a traumatically injured maxillary central incisor. The tooth had been bonded multiple times unsuccessfully with resin. An all-ceramic E-max crown was selected as the treatment option.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Single maxillary implant and crown with pink cervical porcelain

A 57-year-old female patient presented herself with a missing maxillary left central incisor and wanted a fixed replacement. A single implant and crown were used to replace the missing tooth with gingival-colored cervical porcelain to provide a more esthetic result.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Single implant and crown to replace primary lateral incisor

A 20-year-old female patient presented with a lingually positioned and submerged primary lateral incisor with limited buccolingual bone thickness. A single implant with a metal-ceramic crown was chosen as the treatment of choice. 

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Single implant crown adjacent to metal-ceramic crowns

A 47-year-old female patient referred by her periodontist who was not satisfied with her gingival health. Metal-ceramic crowns with ceramic margins on the natural teeth along with placement of a custom abutment and cementation of a metal-ceramic crown on the implant were chosen.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Replacement of maxillary lateral incisor metal-ceramic crown with an all-ceramic crown

A 49-year-old female patient was unsatisfied with the high opacity of her right lateral incisor. The existing metal-ceramic crown was replaced by an IPS Empress all-ceramic crown. The crown was bonded with a resin cement.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Metal-ceramic post & core and crown for maxillary central incisor

A 42-year-old male patient presented with a loose post and crown on the maxillary right central incisor. He wanted a better color and shape without dark gingiva.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Maxillary central incisor all-ceramic crown and ceramic abutment

A 51-year-old female patient with a maxillary central incisor loss after trauma. Patient desired optimal esthetic result.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Six maxillary anterior all-ceramic crowns

A 39-year-old female patient presented with the extensive incisal wear of the maxillary incisors due to an occlusal habit that exposed large areas of dentin created some sensitivity and produced short teeth that the patient did not like.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Maxillary complete denture with a mandibular implant overdenture

A 91-year-old female patient was unable to wear her existing dentures. There was no residual ridge in the maxilla, only soft tissue. In the mandible, there was extensive resorption with the inferior alveolar canal close to/on the residual ridge. 

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Zirconia and lithium disilicate posterior crowns

A 62-year-old female patient with two mandibular molars with gold inlays who had served well for 38 years. One crown was made using layered Zirconia and one using layered lithium disilicate copings.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Restoration of eroded and/or abraded posterior teeth

A 58-year-old female patient presented with extensively eroded abraded and cracked teeth requiring complete coverage crowns.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Replacement of a maxillary lateral incisor

A 57-year-old female patient presented with significant soft tissue defect requiring the use of pink porcelain for restoration.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Replacement of fractured maxillary central incisor

A 68-year-old female patient with an initial crown preparation that was extended to the bone level. The tooth was extracted and an implant placed. The mucosal recession was experienced due to bone loss associated with cracked root.

Charles Goodacre

Patient cases

Splinted implant restorations replacing posterior teeth

A 73-year-old female patient presented with extensive bone loss around the posterior tooth abutment, requiring extraction. Two crowns were used to replace the missing teeth and they were splinted to control the leverage due to the distal location of the implant in the molar crown.