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Enrico Agliardi


Professor Enrico L. Agliardi received his Doctor of Medicine and Surgery specialized in Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics from the Università degli Studi in Milan. Since December 2009, Prof. Agliardi serves as the Chief of the Department of Special Rehabilitation Surgery at the San Raffaele Dental Clinic, directed by Prof. Enrico Gherlone. He has many years of experience in oral, orthognathic, pre-prosthetic, and pre-implant surgery and advanced implantology with both intra-oral and extra-oral implants. Prof. Agliardi is Professor of Special Rehabilitation Surgery for the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and Dental Hygiene program at the University Vita-Salute S. Raffaele in Milan. He supervises various national and international congresses and is the author and co-author of several national and international publications and textbooks.

Resources from this author

Agliardi KEM 2023


The Use of Tilted Implants

In his lecture, Prof. Enrico Agliardi will present us the use of tilted implants in different situations and with different atrophies in the maxilla and mandible.

EAO 2022 Agliardi


Biologically driven innovations for immediate and long-term success - rehabilitation of atrophic jaws with tilted implants

In the first presentation during the EAO 2022 session, Prof. Enrico Agliardi presents the All-on-4 treatment concept applied for complex cases and shares take-home messages for the successful execution of the protocol.

Agliardi zygoma


Zygomatic implants focusing on treatment planning

In the third part of the webinar series, Prof. Enrico Agliardi presents cases with a severely atrophied maxilla and demonstrates how to use zygomatic implants to restore these cases.

E Agliardi Pt 2


Treating complex cases with tilted implants

In the second part of the webinar series, Prof. Enrico Agliardi presents cases of high complexity and explains how he treats theses cases with tilted implants.

Agliardi tilted implants pt 1


Tilted Implants: the concept and the standard case

In the first part of the webinar series, Prof. Enrico Agliardi presents treatment options for different edentulous indications, focusing on the All-on-4 concept and the V-II-V concept.

Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3


Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3

Paulo Malo, Enrico Agliardi and the expert panel discuss a patient with failing esthetics, failing teeth, and a failing prosthesis. Follow his comprehensive assessment and the surgical and prosthetic protocol to restore dignity, esthetics, and function. 

Full thickness flap All-on-4® surgery with Enrico Agliardi


Full thickness flap All-on-4® surgery with Enrico Agliardi

Follow the detailed surgical steps to rehabilitate a fully edentulous mandible with hopeless teeth using two axial and two angulated distal implants applying a conventional flap procedure with traditional planning and surgery using a standardized All-on-4® Guide. 



Enrico Agliardi: Managing failing dentitions and their transition to edentulism

The lecture discusses the surgical and prosthetic objectives when using the All-on-4 treatment concept and reviews the clinical management of patients covering aspects of treatment planning, surgical procedures and both provisional and final implant retained restoration.

Enrico Agliardi
Matteo Clericó

Patient cases

Maxillary rehabilitation with the All-on-4® treatment concept and rehabilitation of the mandible using the existing implants

A 48-year-old female patient desired a better, more aesthetic appearance and an improvement of her masticatory performance. An All-on-4® treatment concept for the maxilla and a newly fixed prosthesis loaded onto the existing implants was planned.

Enrico Agliardi
Matteo Clericó

Patient cases

Bimaxillary full arch rehabilitation on four implants

A 64-year-old male patient complained about the poor masticatory performance of his partial removable dentures. An All-on-4® treatment concept was chosen as a restorative solution in the upper and lower jaw.