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Patrick Palacci


Dr. Patrick Palacci received his DDS degree from Marseilles University in 1975, his postgraduate education in Periodontology at Boston University from 1977 to 1981, and was appointed as a Visiting Professor at the University in 1982. Dr. Palacci is in private practice in Marseilles and is Head of the Brånemark Osseointegration Center. He has developed several techniques for optimal implant positioning, papilla regeneration techniques and esthetic implant dentistry, and has authored numerous scientific articles and three textbooks published in 1995, 2001 and 2008. Dr. Palacci received the fi rst NobelPharma Award in 1995. He currently conducts a number of courses in his private clinic and has been a speaker at scientific meetings worldwide.

Resources from this author



Patrick Palacci: Scientific support and protocol in the posterior region

In this presentation different ways to treat severe cases will be presented. The presentation will focus on the rationale and long term results for sinus elevation and implant placement in the extremely resorbed maxillae.



Dr. Patrick Palac



Patrick Palacci: Why use narrow implants ?

Replacement of missing lateral incisors is a routine indication for narrow implants. Dr Palacci suggests and discusses much broader use of narrow implants, e.g. in cases with narrow ridges, limited amount of bone or concavities. Use of narrow implants is a low invasive treatment...