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Giovanni Polizzi


Dr. Giovanni Polizzi has got MD, DDS degree and Anesthesiology Certificate. He has devoted himself to tissueintegrated reconstruction since 1986 after clinical training at Lund and Gothenburg Universities. He has published several articles and is a frequent lecturer in several post-doctoral programs and congresses. Dr. Polizzi has acquired great experience using pterygoid implants and, with a modified diagnostic protocol, NobelGuide in extraction sites. At his Verona clinic, he dedicates himself to oral-implant surgery. He is an active member of AO and EAO.

Resources from this author

Restoring the molar region with wide platform implants

Scientific posters

Restoring the molar region with wide platform implants

Replacing molar teeth can be challenging due to the general poor bone quality and higher occlusal loads in the posterior region. This poster presents real-world clinical evidence on wide platform variable-thread implants for missing molars placed using a variety of protocols...


Giovanni Polizzi: Innovative implant concepts for limited space situations in the anterior region

The lecture covers low invasive treatment options of narrow mesio-distal spaces with small, 3.0 mm diameter implants. This implant type is indicated for single restorations in the esthetic zone in case of e.g. congenitally missing or traumatized upper laterals and lower incisors. H