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Chandur Wadhwani


Dr. Wadhwani received his dental degree from the University College London School of Dentistry, UK in 1986. He received his specialty certificate in Prosthodontics and Masters Degree from the University of Washington. Dr. Wadhwani has a full time specialty practice (Prosthodontics) in Bellevue, Washington. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at Loma Linda School of dentistry and affiliate instructor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry University of Washington. Dr. Wadhwani holds the position of associate professor in periodontics at Oregon health Science University.

In 2014 he received the prestigious “Best Clinical Innovations Presentation” from the Academy of Osseointegration. In 2018 he received the “distinguished lecture award from the American College of prosthodontists. Dr. Wadhwani is the past president of the Washington State Society of Prosthodontists. He has lectured both nationally and internationally on topics related to clinical prosthodontics and implant dentistry. He is the primary author of over 60 implant related articles in peer reviewed dental journals including Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, IJOMI, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, British Dental Journal, Dentistry Today, Quintessence Int. CIDRR.

He has published the first book specifically related to restorative issues with dental implants: Cementation in Dental implantology: An evidence based guide. He has also contributed chapters to: Fundamentals of implant dentistry: prosthodontic principles (J. Beumer ed), and Dental Implant Complications 2nd ed. (S. Froum ed). Dr. Wadhwani is presently involved in several aspects of dental research in Endodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics with a main emphasis is evidence based best practice. Currently he works in conjunction with the University of Washington, University of California San Francisco, University of Texas Dallas and Loma Linda University.

Resources from this author


Solving Common Problems with Science: Implant Abutment Screw Loosening

The most common issue in regards to single tooth implant restorations is screw loosening. Dr. Chandur Wadhwani explains the reason for this issue and provides practical tips and habits how to prevent this problem.



How does cementation of implant restorations impact osseointegration?

What do we know about cement? How it flows, excessive amounts and hydraulic forces arising from cement can lead to both hard and soft tissue destruction. These concepts and furthermore, how should we mitigate the risks of using cement, will be discussed.




Chandur Wadhwani: Restorative-driven implant health – what you need to know. Healing abutment to final restoration.

The success of the dental implant is intimately related to how the soft tissues respond prior to, during, and after restoration. The restoring clinician is involved with all these aspects and must fully understand the consequences of his or her choices and actions. Soft-tissue heal



Chandur Wadhwani: The impact of cement, its techniques and protocols for long term outcomes

Residual cement is considered a main causal risk factor for peri-implant disease. Cement remnants causing microbial activity, immune reaction, allergic response, activation of titanium surface may be the route by which bone is lost around implants. Dr Wadhwani discusses the...


Chandur Wadhwani: Implants, cement and peri-implantitis - science and the missing link

Cementation procedures and materials have been reported to cause complications in implant prosthetics, mainly inflammation around the implant due to cement material excess. Cementation procedures are a complex system, not all the dimensions of which seem to be fully understood and...