FOR x YOMS Study Club in Hong Kong
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Seats for both 12th and 26th of September have been fully booked. We are working with the organizers to potentially set a 3rd date for this study club. Please be on the look-out for an email from FOR on this topic and follow this webpage for more updates.
Topic : Single-Tooth Implant Restoration - A 4-step process to replace missing tooth
Speaker : Dr. James Chow
Dates: 12/9/2023 (Tue) & 26/9/2023 (Tue)
Time: 18:30 registration; 19:00-21:00
Venue: Nobel Biocare Training Center Unit, 2802-2807, 28/F, Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King’s Road, North Point, HK
Fee: free of charge
Course contact: 1hr lecture + 1 hr hands-on Session
Course Abstract : Single-tooth replacement is the most common indication in implant dentistry. Single-tooth implant treatment is predictable but challenging due to its clinical diversity. The outcome of treatment is affected by different elements in relation to host factors, operator’s skill and experience, and the characteristics of individual implant system. This introductory program is based on the “FOR Single Tooth Implant (STI) Certificate Program” and it is intended to provide the essential knowledge for predictable treatment outcomes in single tooth replacement. The purpose of the FOR STI Certificate Program is to assist dentists to learn, practice, and excel in their career in implant dentistry.
This introductory program will cover the following topics:
- Clinical indications for single-tooth implant treatment
- Diagnostics of single-tooth implant treatment
- Planning and execution of plan
- Surgical and restorative considerations for single-tooth implant treatment
- Hands-on session for single-tooth implant placement in a molar site
Learning objectives:
- Understand the 4 essential steps to successfully replace a single tooth with dental implant
- Know the differences between anterior and posterior single tooth implant treatment
- Learn how to place a single tooth implant in a healed site
- Learn how to restore a single tooth implant using conventional and digital protocols

Dr. James Chow leading a hands-on workshop. Dr Chow is the Co-Chair of the FOR China Council. Read more about the Council and its activities, HERE

Conveniently located study club venue.

Workshop at one of the FOR China-organized meetings.
This study club is organized in collaboration with the Young Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (YOMS) Group of Hong Kong. YOMS was founded by a group of enthusiastic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) specialists and trainees in 2014. They aim at bringing OMFS exposures and education to arouse and foster interests in the field among undergraduates and trainees.