A multi-disciplinary review of key evidence-based principles and clinical treatment steps for restoring edentulous jaws.
A multi-disciplinary review of key evidence-based principles and clinical treatment steps for replacing the single tooth.
Designed by leading clinicians, the FOR Safety Checklists help reduce human errors and their consequences.
The checklists on peri-implant tissue health support you in the anamnesis and diagnostic assessment of peri-implant tissue condition and in the treatment options and decisions for affected peri-implant tissue. They also allow concise monitoring of tissue conditions over time.
スピーカー:Eric Rompen, Tomas Albrektsson, Arturo Lobell, Tidu Mankoo, Cristiano Susin and Giorgio Tabanella.
表面陽極酸化が軟組織結合に与える影響を評価するため、陽極酸化( Xeal™表面および機械加工表面のチタン製ディスクを ヒト歯肉上皮細胞 (HGEPp )および 初代ヒト歯肉線維芽細胞 (HFIB G )の 培養基質 として使用 しました。HFIB G細胞は両表面間に有意な優先度を示さなかった一方、 HGEPp 細胞は Xeal™ 表面において有意に早い成長を示しました。