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Dennis Rohner


Dr. Dennis Rohner completed the Dental and Medical Board examinations in 1985 and 1990, respectively. He has been trained in Hand Surgery, General Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery. He spent one year as Research Fellow at the Singapore General Hospital in Plastic Surgery. He completed his training in Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital in Basel in 1999. In 2005 he completed his Master Thesis entitled, “Prefabrication of free vascular flaps” and was subsequently appointed Associate Professor at the University of Basel. As a Senior Consultant he is Co-director of the Craniofacial Center, where he has practiced since 2003. He is a Faculty Member of AO International. He has widely lectured and published internationally.

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Dennis Rohner: The prefabricated fibular flap reconstruction technique

重度の顎顔面欠損再建のために様々な骨や軟組織のフラップが利用できます。Dr Rohnerは、顎顔面再建のために腓骨を用いる利点を示し、プレファブリケーションされた腓骨フラップによる再建テクニックの手順を示します。総合的な術前3Dプランニングは、プレートやドリリングガイド、カッティングガイドなど、手術に必要なツールを正しく設計・作製するために大変重要です。Dr Rohnerは、下顎骨または上顎骨を腓骨で置き換え、分層植皮片で新しい歯肉を形成する方法、またインプラント埋入後の治癒期間に暫間補綴物を準備する方法について、症例を用いて説明します。Dr Rohnerは...