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Peter Wöhrle


Dr. Peter Wöhrle received the DMD degree from Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine. He received his Specialty Certificate in Prosthodontics and a Specialty Certificate in Implant Dentistry at Harvard. In addition, he completed a four-year dental technician program in Switzerland. At Harvard, he worked with others on developing the concept of Immediate Loading with Brånemark implants. Later, he applied these principles to the single tooth and the concept of immediate tooth replacement. He lectures worldwide, and his practice in Newport Beach provides state-of-the-art facilities including on-site CAT scanning, computer-assisted treatment planning and minimally invasive guided implant placement interrelating the areas of implant surgery, implant prosthodontics and dental implant technology in patient care.

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Expert videos

Peter Wöhrle: Multiple adjacent implants in the esthetic zone. Rationale, planning and execution. (Japanese)

前歯部複数歯欠損のインプラント修復における、いくつかの難症例を取り上げて講演します。 審美領域では、左右対称で調和が取れた、連続性のある軟組織を獲得することを目標としています。問題は抜歯後に組織の下で起こる解剖学的変化です。左右対称な症例では正中をまたぐ片側性の2つの症例とみなすことで、治療がやや簡易になります。プランニングは大変重要であり、Dr. Wӧhrleは硬組織の状態や移植のオプション、軟組織形態とボリューム、そして生物学的幅径などの生物学的テーマ、垂直方向でのインプラントの正しいポジションや骨のリモデリング、インプラント周囲の軟組織付着の不足...