Video highlights
- 即刻种植和即刻修复(IIPP)的临床证据
- 如何分析颊侧骨板以及是否需要软组织移植
- 种植体稳定性要求和种植体外形的作用
- 临床病例:软组织反应和11年随访结果
- 讨论:颊侧骨板的存在对于即刻种植是必需的吗?
主持人Joseph Kan教授主持了本次会议,他强调说,即刻种植是当今最具争议的手术之一。Jose Navarro博士根据循证医学,说明IIPP是一个可靠的治疗选择,并加深了我们对适应症、禁忌症、评估策略和诊断的理解。参见如何分析颊侧骨板和可视化的技术来评估是否需要软组织移植。通过一个临床病例,他展示了如何实施该技术,尊重生物学和解剖学,着眼于术中和术后软组织反应以及长期结果。专家小组Edith Groenendijk、 Tristan Staas、 Óscar González-Martín和Gabor Tepper根据他们自己的经验讨论了失败率,并讨论了评估颊侧骨板的先决条件和最佳方法。
感谢江苏省口腔医院 邱憬 教授的翻译和校对
问题反馈Would you do immediate placement of an implant in upper anterior area where there is bone fenestration buccally and cant get any
Would you do immediate placement of an implant in upper anterior area where there is bone fenestration buccally and cant get any stability of the implant with GBR in the same time or just do GBR and wait for 4 months then place the implant?
Thank you
Would you do immediate placement of an implant in upper anterior area where there is bone fenestration buccally and cant get any stability of the implant with GBR in the same time or just do GBR and wait for 4 months then place the implant?
Thank you
Wait after grafting /gbr. Give a prog to maintain/ gain soft tissue contours
Would you do immediate placement of an implant in upper anterior area where there is bone fenestration buccally and cant get any
Would you do immediate placement of an implant in upper anterior area where there is bone fenestration buccally and cant get any stability of the implant with GBR in the same time or just do GBR and wait for 4 months then place the implant?
Thank you
Would you do immediate placement of an implant in upper anterior area where there is bone fenestration buccally and cant get any stability of the implant with GBR in the same time or just do GBR and wait for 4 months then place the implant?
Thank you
If u can get reasonable implant stability and graft around the implant where there is no evidence of infection my feeling is placing the implant is the preferable option by being able to utilize the osteotomy that the removal of the tooth affords you. Once removal of a tooth occurs u always get tremendous osseous changes of contour and volume in the maxillary anterior.
Do bones have biological subtypes?
I previously heard Professor Joseph Kan analyze that the presence or absence of labial bone plates not only indicates the level of implantation risk but also reflects specific bone biological types, such as the biological classification of thin or thick gums. Is this understanding correct?
I previously heard Professor Joseph Kan analyze that the presence or absence of labial bone plates not only indicates the level of implantation risk but also reflects specific bone biological types, such as the biological classification of thin or thick gums. Is this understanding correct?
Waar is het vervolg van deze uiteenzetting? Waar is de techniek van Tristan Staat en Edith Groenendijk??
Waar is het vervolg van deze uiteenzetting?
Waar is de techniek van Tristan Staat en Edith Groenendijk??
Waar is het vervolg van deze uiteenzetting?
Waar is de techniek van Tristan Staat en Edith Groenendijk??
In reply to Waar is het vervolg van deze uiteenzetting? Waar is de techniek van Tristan Staat en Edith Groenendijk?? by Pieter Peeters
The technique from Tristan Staas and Edith Groenendijk will be presented in Episode 2, during June. Best wishes, the FOR team.