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David Garcia Baeza


Dr. David Garcia-Baeza obtained his DMD degree at the European University of Madrid (EUM) in 2002. In 2006 he obtained the certificate in implant and oral rehabilitation, also from EUM. He now maintains a private practice at the CIMA center in Madrid, Spain, which is dedicated to esthetics, restorative dentistry and implants. He is also member of the EAO (European Association of Osteointegration), SEPES (Spanish Society of Prosthodontics) and SEPA (Spanish Society of Periodontology). He is an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Periodontology at UEM and Assistant Professor in the Department of Esthetic Dentistry at the Complutense University of Madrid. Dr. Garcia-Baeza presently conducts a number of courses in the field of esthetic dentistry throughout Spain. He has several publications in international journals and has given many national and international lectures on esthetic and restorative dentistry.

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David Garcia Baeza



该患者由一位对牙齿 #21 (FDI)/#9(美国)进行了贴面治疗的牙体牙髓科医生转诊。牙根显示萎缩迹象,并且其能否长期存活仍是问题。因此,作为一种初始治疗选项,仅使用合成材料贴面修复了牙齿。三个月后,患者因牙齿顶端轻微萎缩再次就诊。为了避免在牙根提前萎缩之后进一步发生美观方面的并发症,必须拔除该牙齿。作为一种治疗选项,选择了即刻种植体植入并在相邻的牙龈粘膜区域进行手术。但由于第一次手术介入的效果并不令人满意,必须进行第二次手术以便改善软组织状况。植入了定制的氧化锆基台和牙冠作为最终修复体。