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George Zarb


George Zarb recently completed a forty year-plus career in clinical scholarship at the University of Toronto. He has lectured internationally, written and published extensively, and is the recipient of numerous awards, including six honorary doctorates and his two countries' highest civilian recognition, the Order of Canada and the Order of Malta. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Prosthodontics.

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这个纲领性的讲座深入了解了种植学的历史和它现今的进度,以及它可以为在此前从功能和美学角度无法进行适当治疗的患者带来怎样的利益。 骨整合是一个依赖于时间的愈合过程,其中实现了临床症状和特定的异质材料构成的刚性骨内固定物,并在加载期间进行维护。如今,现代的牙植入物可提供快速的愈合和即刻加载方案,且植入治疗是一种值得信赖的治疗方案,它的失败率之低已被视为护理的标准。