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Ole Jensen


Dr. Ole T. Jensen received his DDS degree from Northwestern University School of Dentistry, and completed his Anesthesiology Residency at Northwestern University School of Medicine, and his Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency at the University of Michigan. Currently, he is Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University, University of Michigan and University of Colorado. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and a Fellow of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology. Dr. Jensen holds hospital appointments at six major facilities in the Denver area. His research interests are bone grafting, dental implants, and distraction osteogenesis. He lectures nationally and internationally, and has authored three textbooks on oral surgery and more than 25 articles.

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本次演讲介绍了在一起复杂案例中对常态机能紊乱的一名亨廷顿舞蹈病患者进行的All-on 4治疗。解剖挑战包括处于劣势的生物力学、下牙槽骨肥大、突然萌出的下牙, 缺少上颌牙槽骨、突出的窦腔以及鼻骨。视频的第一部分介绍了患者状况并审视了即刻行使功能的因素。视频的第二部分解释了治疗规划和治疗程序,包括剩余牙齿的拔出、下颌骨即刻行使功能的All-on 4治疗、窦移植、成角的鼻下植体植入犁骨以及贯穿窦部植体的植入。




根据组织工程学的原理——骨骼不仅可以再生,而且其形状和大小可以超过表现遗传环境,本次讲座回顾了增加嵴量的不同手术方案,重点阐述了牙槽分裂技术和BMP-2/ACS盔式植骨术。在介绍章节詹森博士探讨了动物和人类骨骼发育的进化以及骨骼发育的生物学原理,并回顾了与遗传、生物修复和表型可塑性的原理。詹森博士介绍了伊里扎洛夫原理以及在骨牵引术中的应用,并解释了BMP-2 信息物质的功能,它就像莫尔斯电码,能够向骨骼发送生长信号。本次演讲的第二部分结合临床实例的支持,回顾了不同的牙槽分裂技术。