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Edmond Bedrossian


Dr. Edmond Bedrossian received his dental degree from the University of the Pacifi c and completed his Oral & Maxillo facial surgery training at Alameda Medical Center. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Oral & Maxillo facial Surgeons and is in private practice in San Francisco, California. Dr. Bedrossian is also the Director of Implant Surgical training at the University of the Pacific, Arthur A Dugoni School of Dentistry. He has authored numerous articles and text book chapters and is the author of the textbook, Systematic treatment planning for the edentulous patients, forwarded by P-I Brånemark. He lectures internationally and is a member of the Board of directors for the Brånemark Institute and the current President of the Brånemark Foundation North America.

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Edmond Bedrossian:案例演示:高级治疗方案——集成和应用创新的临床概念

Bedrossian博士介绍了一起与临床发现相关的患者案例:失去后牙的支持,主要的牙周疾病,继发性咬合创伤,CR MI (与最大牙尖吻合相关的中心) 滑动2毫米,迟发性运动障碍,唇部机能丧失;并讨论了他的治疗方法。本次讲座审视了数字化治疗规划消除覆咬合和唇部机能丧失的表现,并在拔牙后将两个颧骨植体植入上颌后牙区,两个常规植体植入上颌前牙区,以椅旁方式转换为螺丝固定的临时和最终修复体的义齿将临时性转变为最终植体支持的牙桥。


Edmond Bedrossian:Graftless微创理念中的并发症管理

All-on-4 治疗理念的追踪记录令人印象深刻。根据Branemark 等人在1971年的描述,1975年一个为期10年的追踪报告采用四个植体和六个植体修复方案的成功率没有统计学上的差异。Bedrossian 博士介绍了在上颌骨中使用不同的治疗方法进行基于植体的固定修复的最新综合文献概述,并将应用垂直、倾斜和颧骨植体的Graftless方案与应用上颌窦底提升或中止移植LeFort I型截骨术的移植方法进行了比较。Graftless方法的成功率更高,并提供了即刻加载方案的优势。Bedrossian博士探讨了主要的典型并发症,例如初期稳定性不足...