Daniel van Steenberghe
Emeritus Professor Daniel van Steenberghe, MD, PhD, Oral & Max-Fac Surg, Periodontol, Honorary Citizen Aix-en-Provence, H.F.R.C.S. (Ireland), Dr.h.c., Medal of City of Paris, AO Brånemark Osseointegration Award, Co-opted member German Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina” and Academy of Medicine of Cordoba. Applied the Brånemark osseointegration technique, since 1982, at Leuven University. Cofounder and first president of EAO. Honorary member of: European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), ISBOR, Slovenian Society Osseointegration, Polish Society Implantology, International Academy Computer-Aided Implantology, Tsjech Society Osseointegration, Pierre Fauchard Academy etc. Was (associate) editor of the Journal of Head & Neck Pathology, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Clinical Oral Investigations, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. Former president national entrance examination in medicine. Published > 300 full papers, (co)authored 14 books. Eighteen of his PhD and Masters’ students became University professors.