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Terry Walton


Dr. Terry Walton graduated with the BDS degree and MDSc degree in Prosthodontics from the University of Sydney, Australia, and a MSc degree in Fixed Prosthodontics from the University of Michigan. He has a Prosthodontic specialty practice in Sydney and currently holds the position of Clinical Associate Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Sydney. He is a member of the International College of Prosthodontists and was Co-President in 2000-2001. He is a member of the International College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Prosthodontics. He has published many papers on the long-term outcomes of fixed tooth and implant-supported prostheses.

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特里•沃尔顿:Herodontics ——在这个年龄种植牙是合理的吗?

本次讲座提出了关于对天然牙过度治疗或用植体替代的讨论。沃尔顿博士介绍了自己的想法以作为“警戒性事件”。目前正在接受治疗的结构严重受损或牙周受损的牙齿 —— “herodontics”——在现今的牙科中仍是合乎情理的吗? 其中种植治疗已成为许多临床案例中的常规和标准护理吗?在另一方面讲师比较了herodontics与“herointegration”,促进种植体植入的英勇程序,并提出了一个问题:将herodontics更换为herointegration是否合理?沃尔顿博士的结论是,并非所有的标准方案适合每种情况,需要从经济、功能性、美观性...