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Iñaki Gamborena


Dr. Iñaki Gamborena received a dental degree from Universidad Odontológica Dominicana in 1989, and a certificate in Prosthodontics and Master of Science degree in Dentistry from the University of Washington in 1996. He received a certifi cate in Oral and Craniofacial Implants from the University of Texas in 1997, a certificate in Occlusion and Temporomandibular Disorders from the Mexican Association of Occlusal Reconstruction in 1990, and a certifi cate in Restorative Dentistry from the Autonoma Nuevo León University in México in 1992. Dr. Gamborena is an Affi liate Professor at the University of Washington. He is a member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and lectures worldwide. His private practice in San Sebastián is dedicated to esthetics, restorative dentistry and implants.

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Iñaki Gamborena,帕特里克•吕滕:临床医生和实验室技师之间的沟通;陷阱和如何避免它们(第1部分)

本次讲座介绍了在美学区域具有挑战性的患者治疗病例,以及如何通过临床医生和牙科技师之间适当的沟通管理潜在的隐患。 Gamborena和吕滕博士深入了解了他们用以达到最佳的白色和粉红色美学效果的方法和技巧。 Gamborena博士探讨了牙科分析、低侵入性手术、基台设计,取模和结合程序的原则。 吕滕评审了基于长石和氧化锆的修复材料,其中涵盖了阴影、精确度、分层技术以及如何避免陶瓷碎裂的各个方面。 (两个视频)


Iñaki Gamborena,Luc Rutten:软组织的完整性和相关最佳美学效果的关键技术考虑(第1部分)

本次讲座回顾了植入物和天然牙支撑的失效牙桥修复治疗。 Gamborena和吕滕博士解释了治疗顺序以及诊所和牙科实验室之间的合作。本次讲座探讨了患者的动机,白色和粉红色美学同时重建的治疗方案,作为修复结构基础的诊断蜡型,拔牙和种植体植入,结缔组织移植技术,即刻修复,印模和粘结程序,CAD / CAM辅助的恢复配置和设计。最后的牙桥是采用氧化锆全瓷制成,用于显示出类似牙质荧光的理想美学需要。 (两个视频)