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Luc Vrielinck


Dr. Luc Vrielinck attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, School of Dentistry in Belgium where he was trained as a dentist and as a maxillofacial surgeon. In 1989, he started a private practice in Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg in Genk, in Belgium. Since 1999, he has been working extensively with computer-based implant planning systems. This results in the use of several drill guide systems and navigation systems for implant placement. His special fi eld of interest is the atrophic maxilla and treatment with zygomatic and pterygoid implants. Dr. Vrielinck has authored several peer-reviewed journal articles on the subject of guided implant placement. He is also conducting zygoma implant courses on a regular basis.

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Luc Vrielinck:无牙颌的种植方案—概述

本次讲座从外科手术和修复的角度概述了无牙颌患者的治疗方案,包括严重消溶的齿弓。对剩余骨物质的谨慎评估至关重要,Vrielinck博士审视了短植体和颧骨植体类型的方案、倾斜植入植体例如All-on-4 技术,以及二者的结合,并解释了采用可移动式、固定活动式以及固定式修复解决方案,包括它们的假体部件。本次演讲在上颌骨进行四颧骨植入术重建以及下颌骨采用All-on-4 方案的一起患者案例中对可能性进行了总结和强调。


Luc Vrielinck:规划的精密度——定位的稳定性——执行的多功能性
