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Marco Esposito


Professor Marco Esposito graduated in 1990 with honors from the University of Pavia in Italy. He received his PhD in 1999 in Biomaterials from Göteborg University. He created and directed the postgraduate courses in implant dentistry at the University of Manchester from 2006 to 2011. He is Associate Professor of Biomaterials, Sahlgrenska Academy Göteborg University. He is Editor for the European Journal of Oral Implantology and the Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia, Associate Editor for the Cochrane Oral Health Group, and President of the British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry. He has authored more than 180 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, Professor Esposito is currently a freelance researcher in clinical implant dentistry and Periodontology.

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Marco Esposito:即刻负重与传统负重:科学证据




消毒处理的目的是减少的临界值的细菌负荷。在种植体周围感染的情况下,采取来以减少细菌感染的措施包括:手术或非手术清创和种植体表面去污,局部和全身抗生素,抗菌处理技术,种植体表面改良如使之平滑和去除螺纹,假体改良以改善卫生和清洁,骨缺损矫正,再生疗法等。若想保持长期效果,有效的菌斑控制是至关重要的。 Esposito博士讨论了使用LAD(光活化消毒)辅助疗法的功效,该方法也被称为PACT(光动力抗菌化疗治疗)或PDT(光动力疗法)。 LAD由附着在微生物上的光敏染料构成。 通过吸收特定波长的光能用光照明染色区域致使微生物细胞出现选择性破坏...