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Implant and Abutment Surfaces

Video highlights

  • Factors controlling osseointegration
  • Influences of implant surfaces
  • Influences of abutment surfaces
  • New surfaces on implants and abutments


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25.02.2024 | 22:57

Do you have an opinion concerning the use of water pick around implants, especially older non-Zeal surface implants.

I have seen patients of mine that have had stable implants close to 15 years starting to show sudden marginal bone loss months after the use of a waterpik.  I have always been nervous having the roughened implant surface carried up to the implant collar.

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I have seen patients of mine that have had stable implants close to 15 years starting to show sudden marginal bone loss months after the use of a waterpik.  I have always been nervous having the roughened implant surface carried up to the implant collar.

I haven't seen any sudden bone loss with the use of a waterpik in fact, we actively recommend the use of a waterjet device especially for full arch rehabilitations and have noted greatly improved plaque control. If the periimplant mucosa was especially thin and the patient was quite aggressive with the jet then maybe? We have seen bone loss with floss pieces wrapped around the abutment.

I agree that having a rough surface at the collar is not ideal particularly  for patients with a higher risk profile for peri-implantitis so have tended to favour the PMC collar with TiUnite and now the TiUltra surface.  

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10.05.2024 | 20:17

What camera and photography system you use and follow please The photos are amazing

.i have used ring flash and images are not sharp as well with Canon camera and lens. 

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.i have used ring flash and images are not sharp as well with Canon camera and lens. 

Thankyou! I use a Canon 5DS with 100mm redband macro and Canon twin flash and  intra.diffuser kit from for most of the aesthetic photos. Ringflash for surgery generally.

Intraphotos also have online dental photography courses run by Szabi Hant - one of the most talented dental technicians and photographer I've seen. That may sort out any problems.

I hope that helps!