Single-unit restorations
Restoration of a ‘Failing’ Tooth with an Implant in the Aesthetic Zone
A 41-year-old female patient with a failing post crown in tooth #21 FDI (#9 US) with root fracture and infection. Her treatment consisted of implant placement with simultaneous Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) and soft tissue augmentation.
This procedure included a pedicle Connective Tissue (CT) Graft in the form of a roll flap for a failing maxillary central incisor that also had a labial bone loss.
Evaluation & Diagnosis
1/4Progress & Completion
1/20Follow-Up & Outcome
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Three months after implant placement, there was correct ginginval margin profil (there is no significant difference in gingival
Three months after implant placement, there was correct ginginval margin profil (there is no significant difference in gingival profil in additional 3 months delay with provisional crown on deffinitive zirconia abutment).
Would it be possible to place deffinitive emax lithium disilacate crown after just first three months of osseointegration and with healing abutment on the implant to make an deffinitive reconstruction faster?
Thank you and kind regards.