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Evaluation of heat generated by a new site preparation using low-speed tools without irrigation


Bone health at osteotomy site is one of the key determinants of successful osseointegration of the dental implant. As such, it is of paramount importance to limit the thermal and mechanical damage to bone during osteotomy formation as well as implant insertion [1].

A new implant system (N1, Nobel Biocare) introduces a novel site preparation protocol as well as a novel tapered implant with trioval coronal macroshape that are designed to preserve the viable bone and bone chips [2,3]. The site is prepared using OsseoShapers (Nobel Biocare), which create osteotomies at low rotational speed (<50 rpm) without irrigation while the implant allows for favorable bone strain distribution due to its trioval design [3].

The aim of this pre-clinical study was to evaluate the maximum cumulative temperature increase during osteotomy preparation and implantation of the N1 implant system without irrigation and compare it to a conventional drill protocol with irrigation per the manufacturer’s recommendation.


  • The temperature profile for the test system site preparation (N1) is characterized by a more regular, stepwise temperature increase and lower heat produced by each of the single procedure steps. 
  • The new implant system site preparation at low speed and without irrigation followed by implant insertion generates significantly less heat in comparison to the conventional protocol.


Presented at 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO Digital Days), 12–14 October 2021.

Meljon A, Geisendorf M, Kamber S, Florian Fuchs F, Irastorza-Landa A. (December 2021) EAO-353/PO-CI-003 | Evaluation of heat generated by a new site preparation using low-speed tools without irrigation. In Special Issue: Digital Days 2021 by the European Association for Osseointegration 12-14 October 2021, Clin Oral Impl Res; 32(S22):111-111.



[1] Möhlhenrich SC, Modabber A, Steiner T, Mitchell DA, Hölzle F. Heat generation and drill wear during dental implant site preparation: systematic review.  British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2015;53(8):679.

[2] Chen CH, Coyac BR, Arioka M, Leahy B, Tulu US, Aghvami M, Holst S, Hoffmann W, Quarry A,  Bahat O, Salmon B,  Brunski  JB,  Helms  JA.  A Novel Osteotomy Preparation Technique to Preserve Implant Site Viability and Enhance Osteogenesis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019;8(2):170.

[3] Yin X, Li J, Hoffmann W, Gasser A, Brunski JB, Helms JA. Mechanical and Biological Advantages of a Tri-Oval Implant Design. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019;8(4):427.


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