David Gelb: Long term results and unique benefits with immediate implants
Video highlights
- Long term success rates of immediately placed implants
- Discussion of implant placement in infected extraction sockets
- Review of unique advantages with immediate implant placement
- New York 2013 symposium session
Based on a 24 year long term experience with over 12.000 implants placed, 6.000 of them with immediate placement protocol, and almost 2.000 implant restored with immediate loading protocol over 12 years, Dr Gelb presents a review of success rates and the unique benefits when using these treatment protocols. With a sucess rate of over 95 % immediately placed implants show a slightly higher sucess rate than implants in intact sites. Immediate loading protocols show a success rate of over 95 % and therefore do not alter the success rate of immediate implant surgery. Immediately placed implants provide a scaffold for bone regeneration, replace hopeless teeth within the day of extraction, accomplish site retention and development with one surgery. Implant insertion in an infected extraction socket, once debrided, does not interfere with bone regeneration or reduce the predictability of a successful implant outcome.
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