Dennis Rohner: The prefabricated fibular flap reconstruction technique
Video highlights
- Step by step procedure of the prefabricated fibular flap reconstruction technique
- Preoperative planning, driven by the occlusion, is the key factor for successful reconstruction
- Fibula bony flap preparation for maxillo-facial reconstruction
- Thigh split skin graft preparation to create new gingiva
- New York 2013 symposium presentation
For reconstruction of severe maxillofacial defects there are various bony and soft tissue flap locations available. Dr Rohner gives insight in the advantages of the fibula for maxillofacial reconstruction and presents the prefabricated fibular flap reconstruction technique step by step. Comprehensive pre-operative 3D planning is critical to properly design surgery tools such as reconstruction plates, drilling and cutting guides. Supported by a patient treatment example, Dr Rohner explains how to convert the fibula into a mandible or maxilla shape and create new gingiva with a split skin graft, and how the provisional is being prepared during the implant healing phase. Dr Rohner concludes that thorough preoperative planning, and driven by the occlusion, are the key factors for successful reconstruction.
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