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Implant surfaces - advanced level

Video highlights

  • Different types of implant topographies (roughness)
  • Influence of implant surfaces on bone reaction (Osseointegration)
  • Other implant surface factors (chemistry, physics)

Clinical topics

Additional resources

T Albrektsson Intro


Introduction to Oral Implant Surfaces

In the first part of this webinar series, Prof. Dr. Tomas Albrektsson takes the viewer through the evolution of oral implant surfaces and presents an review of scientific data on the major surfaces.

TiUltra and Xeal Surfaces


Spotlight on surface innovations

Speakers: Eric Rompen, Tomas Albrektsson, Arturo Lobell, Tidu Mankoo, Cristiano Susin and Giorgio Tabanella.

Why develop new implant and abutment surfaces? This lecture focuses on providing answers to this question.

EAO 2021 Ana Ferro


All-on-4® treatment concept using TiUltra™ surface implants and Multi-unit Xeal™ Abutments: Pilot study report

Dr Ana Ferro presents the original pilot study report at the European Association of Osseointegration Digital Days 2021. The study results show a high implant survival rate together with healthy soft tissue response throughout the follow-up period.


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