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Introduction to Oral Implant Surfaces

Video highlights

  • Different types of implant surfaces
  • The importance of scientific data on implant surfaces
  • Risks with using implants that are not scientifically evaluated
  • New surfaces on the market

Clinical topics

Additional resources

TiUltra and Xeal Surfaces


Spotlight on surface innovations

Speakers: Eric Rompen, Tomas Albrektsson, Arturo Lobell, Tidu Mankoo, Cristiano Susin and Giorgio Tabanella.

Why develop new implant and abutment surfaces? This lecture focuses on providing answers to this question.

Evaluation of anodized surfaces for improved soft tissue integration

Scientific articles

Evaluation of anodized surfaces for improved soft tissue integration

In this work the effect of surface anodization on soft tissue integration was evaluated by comparing anodized (Xeal™) and machined surface titanium discs as culture substrates for human gingival epithelial cells (HGEPp) and primary human gingival fibroblasts (HFIB-G). HFIB-G cells...



Ann Wennerberg: On macro-, micro- and nanoscopic aspects of osseointegration

Implant design and implant surface structures have evolved over time and today various versions are available. Dr Wennerberg reviews the evolution of implant surface structures from the orignal Branemark machined Titanium designs to recent nanostructured surfaces, and discusses...


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