00:00 - 02:18
Two central incisors implant rehabilitation
02:18 - 03:51
Management of asymmetric defects across midline
03:51 - 07:49
Symmetrical defects across midline: treatment options
07:49 - 14:10
Unilateral non symmetrical defects approach
14:10 - 17:43
17:43 - 20:11
- 6 Community questions
Peter Woehrle: Multiple adjacent implants in the esthetic zone. Rationale, planning and execution
Video highlights
- Review of challenges when treating multiple missing teeth in the esthetic zone
- Discussion of symmetrical, asymmetrical and uni-lateral situations
- One diagnosis - several treatment options
- New York 2013 Symposium presentation
The lecture reviews the challenges in relation to restoring multiple missing anterior teeth with implants. The goal is to achieve harmony and continuity of soft tissues in visible areas defined by perceived symmetry. Problems are related with change in underlying anatomy upon extraction. Symmetrical cases are easier to treat as unilateral cases and cases crossing the midline. Planning aspects are important and Dr Woehrle reviews aspects of hard tissue condition and grafting options, soft tissue anatomy and volume, and biological themes like biological width, correct vertical implant position and bone remodeling, lack of attachment around implants, implant selection and platform shift. There is only one diagnosis, but several treatment options and the selected option is influenced by evidence base, risk vs benefit evaluation and also clinician's expertise and training.
Clinical topics
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