00:00 - 05:04
Digital treatment planning - NobelClinician®
05:04 - 21:38
Multiple immediate implants placement with immediate loading in the anteiror region
21:38 - 33:47
Full rehabilitation protocol in partially edentulous cases
33:47 - 42:12
Dental materials and prosthetic design for hybrid prosthesis
42:12 - 59:36
59:36 - 01:02:26
- 6 Community questions
Peter Wöhrle, Pascal Kunz: NobelClinician® - integrated workflow
Video highlights
- Predictability means success
- Smart fusion technology combines automatically clinical and radiograhic data into one image
- Visibility of the soft tissue in the digital data
- Trend continues to favor screw-retained restorations
- Marina del Rey 2014 symposium presentation
Adequate patient assessment, diagnostics and treatment planning are crucial for long-term successful clinical results. Procedures should be outcome-driven, predictability means success. The lecturers present the integrated workflow with NobelClinician and its use in combination with guided surgery procedures. The digital workflow is structured in flexible modules, the clinician can choose which treatment steps are done digital or conventional. The objective is optimized and time-efficient treatment, and predictable outcome. Via smart fusion technology the scans from model and diagnostic wax-up are automatically combined with the CBCT data into one image, including contours of the soft tissues, based on which planning of the surgical and prosthetic steps can be done. Highlighting with several patient treatment examples, Dr Wöhrle and Dr Kunz outline the digital workflow protocol and its advantages in daily practice, and discuss prosthetic and material options.
Clinical topics
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