Rubén Davó: Graftless approach to the extremely - totally resorbed maxilla
Video highlights
- Graftless, minimally invasive surgery in the resorbed maxilla, with immediate function
- High survival rates and low rate of complications with Zygomatic implants
- Extreme clinical circumstances of maxillary resorption and treatment with Zygomatic implants
- Zygomatic implants plus immediate function can provide patient with immediate normalization of life
For heavily resorbed maxilla situations, Zygomatic implants offer a graftless, minimally invasive surgery with immediate function treatment option.
Dr Davo discusses available literature data and own clinical experience and concludes that this treatment has only a low rate of complications. Dr Davo reviews some of the rare complications such as e.g. oro-antral communication, loss of maxillary anchorage, peri-implantitis, palatal instead of crestal implant emergence, failing osseointegration, sinus reactions to the Zygomatic implants, and how to solve these. Dr Davo presents clinical cases with extreme clinical circumstances of maxillary bone loss, and how they can successfully be treated with placement of Zygomatic or Quad Zygomatic implants. Dr Davo summarizes that the treatment with Zygomatic implants with both classical and immediate function protocol is successful and provides the patient with an immediate normalization of life.
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