Introduction to Immediate Function for edentulous patients - Prof. Paulo Malo
00:00 - 04:28
Radiologic & clinical evaluation & treatment planning - Dr. Ana Ferro
04:29 - 09:23
All-on-4 surgery
09:23 - 12:24
Treatment rationale and discussion
12:24 - 16:35
Audience poll and panel discussion
16:35 - 22:00
- 5 Community questions
Patient with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density: Immediate Function episode 1
Video highlights
- Immediate Function for edentulous patients moderated by Prof. Paulo Malo
- The goals of total rehabilitation of edentulous patients
- Radiologic & clinical evaluation and treatment planning of the edentulous maxilla
- All-on-4 implant surgery: patient case by Dr. Ana Ferro
- All-on-4 vs All-on-6: discuss a real patient case
- Discuss edentulous solutions with Paulo Malo, Ana Ferro, Enrico Agliardi, Ruben Davo, Andrew Dawood and Glen Liddelow.
In a very special program specifically designed to help clinicians to understand the rationale and the logic behind the treatment options available to treat complex edentulous cases, each expert presents a different approach in a discussion with moderator Professor Paulo Malo and the panel: Enrico Agliardi, Ruben Davo, Andrew Dawood, Ana Ferro, and Glen Liddelow. In episode one of Immediate Function and long-term benefits for edentulous patients, Dr. Ana Ferro presents her approach and rationale in the treatment of a young female patient with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density.
The goals of total rehabilitation are, on the one hand, to allow a patient to have teeth immediately, delivering a high-quality esthetic fixed bridge. On the other hand, they are to avoid bone grafts and complex surgeries by using a simple surgical and prosthetic protocol with high success rates at a cost the patient can afford and maintain. Watch this exciting episode to see how Dr. Ferro takes both the science and the needs of the patient into consideration as she treats this challenging case. Follow her radiological & clinical assessment, treatment planning, and watch the full flap surgery in this highly educational video lecture.
Participate in the poll to consider which treatment option you have chosen to treat this same case and join the interesting panel discussion that follows.
Clinical topics
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Ask a questionVery nice and well presented, congratulations to Dr Anna lower mandible : did patient stay with her natural teeth or she added
The rationale and execution of the procedure is absolutely clear. However, I think that a more conservative approach could have
also been considered, such as conventional fixed bridge from 1.6 to 2.3, with a straight implant in 2.4 and tilted in 2.6 for a fixed prosthesis. This kind of rehabilitation is fully proved to be successful over time, even more when performed by good criteria prosthodontists with modern CAD-CAM materials. Crown lengthening could also be considered for the procedure.
I agree that all on 4 is a great upgrade for edentulous or soon to be edentulous patients, but the perception of patients is never the same as when feeling original teeth.
Great work Ana, and very well performed indeed. I follow your work and Paulo's also.
also been considered, such as conventional fixed bridge from 1.6 to 2.3, with a straight implant in 2.4 and tilted in 2.6 for a fixed prosthesis. This kind of rehabilitation is fully proved to be successful over time, even more when performed by good criteria prosthodontists with modern CAD-CAM materials. Crown lengthening could also be considered for the procedure.
I agree that all on 4 is a great upgrade for edentulous or soon to be edentulous patients, but the perception of patients is never the same as when feeling original teeth.
Great work Ana, and very well performed indeed. I follow your work and Paulo's also.
Why age is not to be considered when planing any case
In one of the questions asked seeing the age of the patient, all on six would have been ideal, to which Ana replied age has nothing to do . I totally don’t agree with it , as age will Help in predictably planning the long term success of the treatment based on age . As the evidence supporting All-on-4 has just 13 yr follow up
In one of the questions asked seeing the age of the patient, all on six would have been ideal, to which Ana replied age has nothing to do . I totally don’t agree with it , as age will Help in predictably planning the long term success of the treatment based on age . As the evidence supporting All-on-4 has just 13 yr follow up
In reply to Why age is not to be considered when planing any case by Ramesh Chowdhary
The other thing to mention, what if one of these 4 implant fails?