Introduction to Immediate Function and the benefit for patients - Prof. Paulo Malo
00:00 - 01:11
An 83 year old male patient with an edentulous mandible - Dr. John Liddelow
01:11 - 03:04
Prevalence of edentulism and treatment options: a review of the evidence
03:04 - 08:53
Definitive prosthesis in a day: clinical case, rationale and results after 4 years
08:54 - 15:00
Experts discuss & dissect the audience's preferred treatment options
15:00 - 20:00
- 5 Community questions
An immediate fixed solution for an elderly patient with an edentulous mandible: Immediate Function episode 2
Video highlights
- Immediate Function and long-term benefit for edentulous patients moderated by Prof. Paulo Malo
- The prevalence of edentulism and an evidence based guide to treatment options for the edentulous mandible
- Compare efficacy of fixed implant prosthesis to conventional dentures & to overdentures
- Clinical case: diagnosis, planning, surgical and prosthetic treatment of the edentulous mandible
- Clinical evidence and cost analysis of the Trefoil™ solution
- Discuss edentulous solutions with Paulo Malo, Ana Ferro, Enrico Agliardi, Ruben Davo, Andrew Dawood and Glen Liddelow
Continue your learning journey to understand the rationale and the logic behind the treatment options available to treat complex edentulous cases. In this series moderated by Professor Paulo Malo, Enrico Agliardi, Ruben Davo, Andrew Dawood, Ana Ferro, and Glen Liddelow join him to discuss Immediate Function and long-term benefits for edentulous patients.
Edentulism affects over 275 million people worldwide and it is happening at a much later age. Patients seeking treatment for edentulism routinely have terminal dentition and co-morbidities, which need to be taken into consideration. Adaptation to dentures can be a challenge resulting in chronic dysfunction, pain, low self-esteem, and reduced oral health quality of life (OHRQOL). Dr. Liddelow presents an evidence-based review for each treatment option for the edentulous mandible and applies it to an interesting clinical case. Compare and contract efficacy of dentures and overdentures to fixed implant solutions and the Trefoil™ system, which provides a definitive fixed prosthesis on the day of surgery.
Dr. Glen Liddelow addresses the patient's specific needs when solving a challenging clinical case of an 83-year-old male with an edentulous mandible. Follow the step-by-step approach including diagnosis, digital treatment planning, implant surgery, and surgical prosthetics, and delivery of the final bridge. The 4-year clinical outcome is presented in this highly educational presentation. Join the interesting panel discussion that follows, to discuss Dr. Liddelow's approach and the potential benefits of each treatment option for your patient.
Which treatment option you have chosen to treat this same case?
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