Introduction to Immediate Function and benefits for patients - Prof. Paulo Malo
00:00 - 01:14
Impact of edentulism on quality of life
01:15 - 04:44
Treatment options and planning
04:45 - 05:50
Implant placement and case completion
05:51 - 08:30
Bone reconstruction versus implant placement - the scientific situation
08:31 - 12:20
Evolution of zygomatic implants
12:21 - 13:38
Quadruple zygomatic implant procedure - the scientific situation
13:39 - 17:00
Expert panel discussion: guided procedure and grafting
17:01 - 21:10
Summary and closing of the edentulous session
21:11 - 22:17
- 9 Community questions
Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla with zygomatic implants - Immediate Function Episode 5
Video highlights
- Impact of edentulism on the quality of life
- How to manage complications such as failed implants and a failed ileac bone graft
- Treatment options for the severely atrophic maxilla
- Quad zygoma technique with immediate loading
- Handling of compromised sinus
In this interesting clinical case, Dr Rubén Davó discusses the impact of long-term edentulism on the patient's quality of life. He also highlights the different treatment options for cases with a severely resorbed maxilla. Following this, Dr Davó presents the quadruple zygomatic implant procedure, the evolution of zygomatic implants and the related clinical evidence. At the end of the presentation, join the expert panel discussion on the polling questions for treatment of the presented case.
Clinical topics
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