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Rubén Davó


Dr. Rubén Davó received the following degrees MD, MSc, PhD, MFS, during his formal training and education. He is currently the Director of Davó Institute at the Medimar International Hospital in Alicante where he serves as Chief of the Oral, Maxillofacial and Implant Surgery Department. He has focused his patient care on dentofacial deformities, guided surgery, rehabilitation of patients with atrophied bones and quality of life issues. He is a member of the faculty at the Barcelona University Hospital. He lectures worldwide and provides international educational courses and programs at the Davó Institute. His PhD dissertation focused on “Immediate function in atrophic maxilla using Zygomatic implants.”

Resources from this author

Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5


Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5

Prof Paulo Maló, Dr Rubén Davó and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed maxilla. Learn about the importance of the patient's quality of life through oral rehabilitation of a severely resorbed maxilla.



Rubén Davó: Management of the extremely resorbed maxilla

The lecture reviews the principles of the rehabilitation of the extremely resorbed maxilla and compares Zygomatic implants with sinus lift and augmentation procedures, and highlights the importance of the Zygomatic concept for implantology. Under extreme clinical circumstances like...


Rubén Davó: Graftless approach to the extremely - totally resorbed maxilla

For heavily resorbed maxilla situations, Zygomatic implants offer a graftless, minimally invasive surgery with immediate function treatment option. Dr Davo discusses available literature data and own clinical experience and concludes that this treatment has only a low rate of...


Rubén Davó: Zygoma concept

The lecture gives an insight into treatment options for highly resorbed edentulous maxilla cases with zygomatic implants. For cases with almost no maxilla bone available Dr Davo presents the quad technique with 4 zygomatic implants, which depending on the anatomical situation can...
Rubén Davó

Patient cases

Rehabilitation with zygomatic implants after graft failure

A 53-year-old female patient lost the teeth when she was 30-year-old and was wearing a denture for many years. The patient was informed about the different therapeutic possibilities and she accepted the quad zygoma technique. 

Rubén Davó

Patient cases

Rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla

A 35-year-old male patient presented with a totally edentulous maxilla and a fully dentate mandible. A complete arch porcelain definitive prosthesis was used. Due to professional interactions, he demanded an immediate function protocol.

Rubén Davó

Patient cases

Zygomatic implants to address prior maxillary implant failure

A 52-year-old female patient presented a failure of 6 implants supporting a fixed bridge, after 6 years after their placement. The failing implants were removed and all the zygomatic implants were inserted at the level of the zygomatic bone and allocated in the maxillary bone.