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Paulo Malo


Prof. Malo received his dental degree from the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the University of Lisbon in 1989. He founded the MALO CLINIC in 1995 where he developed several innovative techniques, protocols and products, such as the NobelSpeedy™ implant and the All-on-4® Treatment Concept which allows the placement of fixed teeth in a single day on total edentulous patients, without the need of bone grafting. With a PhD in Oral Biology, Prof. Malo is a visiting professor for several universities, has published numerous scientific journal articles and is co-author of several textbooks. Prof. Malo lectures regularly in international conferences and has also received several distinctions and awards for his medical breakthroughs and his management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

Resources from this author

Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5


Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5

Prof Paulo Maló, Dr Rubén Davó and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed maxilla. Learn about the importance of the patient's quality of life through oral rehabilitation of a severely resorbed maxilla.

The severely atrophic mandible - Immediate Function episode 4


The severely atrophic mandible - Immediate Function episode 4

Prof Paulo Malo, Dr. Andrew Dawood and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed mandible with <5mm of bone. Learn approaches that aid patient safety and help avoid injury to the inferior alveolar nerve.

Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3


Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3

Paulo Malo, Enrico Agliardi and the expert panel discuss a patient with failing esthetics, failing teeth, and a failing prosthesis. Follow his comprehensive assessment and the surgical and prosthetic protocol to restore dignity, esthetics, and function. 

An Immediate Fixed Solution for an Edentulous Mandible - Immediate Function Episode 2


An Immediate Fixed Solution for an Edentulous Mandible - Immediate Function Episode 2

Continuing this series on Immediate Function and long-term Benefits for Edentulous Patients, Prof. Paulo Malo leads a global panel of experts to discuss Dr. Glen Liddelow's solution to treat a patient with an edentulous mandible with a definitive bridge on the day of surgery.

A patient with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density – Immediate Function Episode 1


A patient with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density – Immediate Function Episode 1

Prof. Paulo Malo leads a global panel of experts on Immediate Function and long-term Benefits for Edentulous Patients. Dr. Ana Ferro takes both the science and the needs of a young patient into consideration in a challenging case with an edentulous maxilla and medium bone density.



Paulo Malo: Evolution of the All-on-4® treatment concept with implant design

Dr. Malo discusses the evolution of the All-on-4® treatment concept as it has been the primary focus of his career. He explains the reasons for its development and how his vision of implant dentistry has shifted from large grafting solutions to the placement of implants where bone



Paulo Malo: All-on-4® - state-of-the art concept

It is very important and beneficial to avoid grafting in elderly patients, who often have compromised health conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. The All-on-4® treatment concept is a specific surgical procedure developed to avoid grafting procedures in edentulous...



Paulo Malo: Full-arch rehabilitation of edentulous patients with the All-on-4® treatment concept

Dr Malo presents an overview over the principles of the All-on-4® treatment concept with a focus on the prosthetic options and design characteristics. The All-on-4® treatment main principles comprise: 4 implants for full arch rehabiliation, avoid implants in the (maxillary)...


Paulo Malo: Immediate Function: benefits to patient and practice

The presentation gives an insight on the restoration of edentulous situations from both surgical and restorative aspects, with focus on the immediate function protocol and the All-on-4 solution. Dr Malo reviews the indications and contraindications, advantages and benefits as well...


Paulo Malo: Variation in the use of the zygoma implant in treatment planning for the edentulous maxilla

Dr. Paulo Malo discusses the variable uses of zygomatic implants in the rehabilitation of patients.  He reviews principles guiding the placement of zygomatic implants. He specifically refers to two techniques: the internal and external approaches to zygomatic implant placement.





Paulo Malo: All-on-4® treatment concept: why, when and how

The lecture explains the principles of the All-on-4 concept and gives insight in the treatment steps and procedures with a clinical patient treatment example in the edentulous maxilla. Dr Malo reviews important parameters like bone quality, number of implants, implant selection...