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Nicole Winitsky


Dr. Nicole Winitsky received her DDS from the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden in 1997 and was Board Certified as a specialist in Prosthodontics in 2012. She is a senior prosthodontic consultant at the Eastman institute, Public dental health service, Stockholm and a PhD-student at the Faculty of odontology, Karolinska Institute.

Her clinical focus is prosthodontics and implantology in children and young adults with inherited dental defects or traumas. Her research ”Implants in the anterior maxilla in young adults” has been rewarded with “the gold prize” at the Swedish Dental Congress and “the EAO Prize for clinical research in Implant Dentistry (prosthetically oriented)” at the European association for Osseointegration congress. She works on a regular basis with lecturing and giving courses nationally and internationally.

Resources from this author

EAO 2021 Winitsky


3-D tooth movement adjacent to single anterior implants and aesthetic outcome. A 14-20 year follow-up

Dr. Nicole Winitsky presents her prize-winning oral communication presentation of a long-term study of 3-D tooth movement adjacent to implants in the anterior maxilla. This original research explores the long-term esthetic outcomes of single implants.

Nicole Winitsky

Patient cases

Screw retained fixed partial restorations over implants in a young patient diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia.

A 18-year-old female patient diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia at a young age. Presented aplasias in upper and lower jaw, primary teeth persisting, low smile line, deep bite. The treatment involved implant placement, angulated and straight Multi-Unit Abutments.

Nicole Winitsky

Patient cases

Multidisciplinary treatment of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors.

A 19-year-old female patient with multiple aplasias, substantial vertical overlap (overbite), and a medium-to-high smile line. She received Nobel Active 3.5 (13 mm) implants and simultaneous bone augmentation with a bone substitute on her lateral incisors.



Åsa Sjöholm, Nicole Winitsky: Treatment planning utilizing digital tools

When working with complex cases is it very important to operate as one team. Only when all professionals are working towards the same goal and focused on the patient can the optimal treatment results be achieved.


The speakers will show you cases and share their thoughts about when...