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Franck Renouard


Dr. Franck Renouard received his dental degree from the L'Université Paris Descartes in 1982. He is currently a Visiting Professor of the Medical Faculty at the University of Liége. Dr. Renouard is a Past President of the European Academy of Osseointegration. He is in Private Practice in Paris limited to Oral and Implant Surgery. He has published several national and international articles and is author of two textbooks, entitled," Risk Factors in Implant Dentistry” and “ Simplified Clinical Analysis for predictable Treatment" that was published in 10 languages. He has recently published a new book on the Human Factors concept, titled, “The Search of the Weakest Link”.

Resources from this author



Franck Renouard: Alternatives to bone augmentation

The lecture reviews the main alternative treatment options to bone augmentation, short implants, tilted implants and zyogmatic implants, and evaluates predictabiilty, morbidity and feasibility for each of such implant treatment procedure. Literature review shows, that predictibilty...
Admin post op


Administrative Post-Operative Steps

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: After leaving OR
Location: Consultation room and/or front desk

Stock control


Stock and Materials Control

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: At least one week before surgery
Location: Stock room

Pre treatment consultation


Administrative Pre-Treatment Consultation

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: After pre-treatment consultation before patient leaves
Location: Consultation room and/or front desk

OR setup


OR Setup

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: Morning of the surgery (beginning of the day)
Location: OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory
Comments: Refers to one room (not patient); only performed 1x per day

Pre op steps


Patient Pre-Operative Steps

Primary responsibility: Clinician/Surgeon or Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: Shortly before surgery
Location: Chairside in OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory

Post op steps


Clinical Post-Operative Steps

Primary responsibility: Clinician/Surgeon
Timing: Immediately after completion of surgery
Location: Chairside in OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory

Pre treat consult


Clinical Pre-Treatment Consultation

Primary responsibility: Clinician/Surgeon
Timing: End of the pre-treatment consultation while patient is still present
Location: Consultation room and/or chairside