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Jonas Lorenz


PD Dr. Jonas Lorenz completed his doctoral dissertation and specialised in oral surgery and implantology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, Clinic for Oral-maxillofacial and facial plastic surgery, Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. Sader. He is senior physician in the University clinic Frankfurt.
Dr. Lorenz's scientific research focus is on dental implantology, biomaterials and researching innovative treatment concepts. He completed his German “Habilitation” and Venia legend (“Privatdozent”) and has a private practice in Passau, Germany. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications and congress contributions.

Resources from this author

Implants After GBR with Wound Dehiscence

Scientific posters

Clinical outcomes after GBR with dehiscence

Dehiscence may occur during the post-GBR healing process, and it may lead to patient discomfort and dissatisfaction. This clinical study aims to assess the influence of wound dehiscence during post-GBR healing period on clinical outcome measures.